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Services > Strategic Partnerships


We build healthy and long-lasting strategic partnerships between Chinese and Western firms on complex topics involving intellectual property and technology transfer challenges.


We offer to both Chinese and Western firms a comprehensive range of services and a one-stop solution across the whole value chain of looking for suitable partners, establishing and maintaining healthy and long-lasting strategic partnerships. We act as a partnership manager throughout the whole lifecycle of the collaboration between the stakeholders.

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Our two key competitive advantages


(1) We bring a unique blend of Sino-Western bicultural background, identity, and set of values to the table which builds and maintain trust between the parties


(2) We understand both the cultural or language differences and the underlying business, technical and legal topics at stake. We identify areas of misunderstanding and conflict early on and help both parties revealing hidden value and reach agreement.

" If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart. "


Nelson Mandela

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